Online Psychiatry aka Virtual Psychiatry aka Telepsychiatry: all are part of telemedicine that provides mental health services through electronic communication. It uses video conferencing applications like Zoom, Meet, Facetime, Skype, and other software to connect patients to licensed online psychiatrists.
The rise of online therapy services has transformed the way people seek mental health support. This modern and advanced healthcare service setup has paved the way to some of the leading advantages in the field.
Let’s take a look at some of the advantages and benefits of consulting an online psychiatrist:
It’s tough to find an online psychiatrist you truly trust. In most cases, searching for the right one requires patience, effort, and time.
People with limited finances and those who do not feel comfortable traveling may postpone a personal psychiatric evaluation. Face-to-face consultations require the patient to allot money and time to go to the clinic for the appointment.
By working with an online healthcare professional, you can attend half an hour or a full hour of therapy during your lunch break. You don’t need to use your vacation or sick leaves. Its cost-effectiveness makes it a top choice for people who don’t have enough time or resources.
The predominantly used rationale for using online psychiatry is its convenience. Your sessions can be done in the privacy of your own home, and you don’t have to deal with long queues, traffic jams, and distant commutes.
Some patients opt for online psychiatry for every session. Once you’ve started online therapy, it’s rare to require in-person consultations. However, it is still possible depending on federal restrictions, especially when prescribing drugs.
There have been many reported cases of patients canceling their in-person appointments at the last minute. This happens because, for most people with mental health issues, self-care routines like showering and dressing up can be serious struggles. This holds even when some psychiatric services are willing to extend their hours to see psychiatric patients.
With online therapy in place, people who need immediate professional advice or prescription have an outlet to rely on even from the comforts of their home.
Relocating creates a gap in the treatment plans of patients who are reliant on continuous health care. For example, if your therapist is based in another state or city, it is not practical or logical to travel back and forth weekly.
Opting for the expertise of an online therapy service is your best bet. You can attend therapy sessions on phone or video calls during your office break or in between house chores.
An injury, physical pain, or bad weather are common reasons for appointment cancellations. Some prescription medications can cause dizziness or drowsiness, making driving dangerous.
If you switch to telehealth psychiatric care, you no longer have to worry about environmental and physical conditions. You can coordinate with the practice you’re working with for the most convenient schedule for you to attend mental health treatment.
If you need to see a mental health provider that holds online therapy, Luminous Vitality Behavioral Health can treat mental health conditions like depression, thoughts of self-harm, post-traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and substance abuse.
We are equipped to provide real-time interaction and immediate help through our telehealth services. You will be cared for and attended to as you would be in face-to-face psychiatry.
Get started on your treatment plan today! Give us a call!
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